All Pakistan Memon Federation (APMF) SUB COMMITTEE

Anis Ahmed Ashrafi

Chairman APMF Career Guidance Committee

MESSAGE FROM APMF Career Guidance Committee

The purpose of a Career Guidance Committee is to provide support and guidance to students, parents, teachers and other stakeholders in making informed career choices and planning for their future education and employment. A Career Guidance Committee may have the following objectives:

To raise awareness and interest in various career options and opportunities available to students after completing their education.
– To help students identify their strengths, interests, values and goals and align them with suitable career paths and programs.
– To facilitate access to relevant and updated information and resources on career development, education pathways, labor market trends, scholarships, etc.
– To organize and conduct various career guidance activities such as workshops, seminars, webinars, career fairs, counseling sessions, mentoring programs, etc.
– To collaborate and coordinate with other institutions, organizations that offer career guidance services and opportunities to students.
– To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the career guidance program and activities on the students’ career readiness and outcomes.






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